Eidon State

The Eidon network is a state transition system, with the network state at any given point representing the canonical status of contributions for the creation of next-generation AI models. Currently, the Eidon State is tracked with a combination of offchain MemAgents, storage, and a centralized sequencer. The state currently tracks:

  • Data Ownership

  • Data quality and rewards

  • Data usage

  • User accounts

  • Deployed MemAgents

  • Account balances

The data itself is currently stored in centralized object storage providers, while each data post has a corresponding metadata object that is visible in the sequencer and holds information about the data's:

  • Origin

  • Ownership

  • Quality

  • Usage history

We use this information to keep a canonical record of data provenance and data contributions to the network. In the future, the Eidon State will extend to track Models and other forms of contributions beyond just data. As we continue to navigate our decentralization path, we aim to decentralize every piece of the network - from onchain contribution tracking to decentralized storage.

State Transitions:

Currently, state transitions occur via sequencer events. In the future, state transitions will occur through on-chain transactions triggered by user actions or MemAgents. These events/transactions update the state by modifying existing objects or creating new ones, all actions being openly viewable now and, in the future, subject to validator consensus.

State Transition Examples:

  • A user submits a new data post, creating a new metadata object, altering the state.

  • When data is used, the corresponding dataset's usage statistics are updated, which triggers reward accrual for the data provider, altering the state.

  • Every 12 hours, the user reputation metrics are updated by a MemAgent, altering the state.

Last updated